Every carer’s experience of supporting their loved one is individual, which is why we have options available to both support families and carers, as well as useful skill-based sessions which offer information and advice in navigating any difficult situations that may arise as a part of a loved one’s recovery. We also have a range of resources and blogs available for further reading and guidance. These are open access, and those in a carer role are welcome (and encouraged!) to contribute their own stories and experiences on our blog platform with the hope of shining a light on the importance of carers as a key part of a loved one’s recovery.
Our dedicated parents and carer team have experience supporting someone struggling with an eating disorder, and or other mental health issues. Caring for a loved one can be exhausting, distressing, and disorientating. Many carers feel they have tried everything and don’t know where to turn next. First Steps ED support parents, life partners and older siblings with workshops (based on the New Maudsley approach), support groups and psychotherapy. We’re here to help families navigate their way through a seemingly impossible task of recovery.
Counselling Support
Counselling and psychotherapy at First Steps ED is one of our core services and one which recognises the unique experiences of carers and family members supporting a loved one. Our team provides a safe, non-judgemental and understanding space to give you the time and freedom to talk. You can learn more about our team and therapeutic approaches on our website.
Parents, relatives and carers of those accessing support through First Steps ED are eligible for free counselling or drop-in sessions with our team. Having a family member struggle with disordered eating, body image concerns and/or an eating disorder can put stress on the family too, causing personal stress and mental health concerns for the carer as well.
Our sessions are designed to be a space to support you through your child’s recovery. Together we can explore any thoughts or feelings you have around your experience as a carer of someone with eating difficulties, we can discuss difficult situations which arise through this recovery journey and develop new skills and strategies to maintain self-care.
These sessions can aid your ability to support someone and will be free and flexible, with no need to commit to a certain number of sessions or time for the session.
Parent and Carer Drop-In
We also have our parent and carer monthly drop-in group for parents and carers to get together online and share any challenges and successes they’ve experiences. It’s a relaxed group, with no commitment to attend each month, with the opportunity to find support from people going through the similar experiences. Follow the arrow to register your interest.