Love in the Darkest Places Pt. 2
Don’t forget to read Part One
VIIII The Path Less Travelled
I’m feeling pretty peaceful
Turning to contentment
From confusion and delusion
so many hard years spent
I want for nothing
Need for nothing, today
My inner voice isn’t getting in my way
But be vigilant
Anything can happen tomorrow
I’ll try to stay on track
My heart has got my back
We stay strong
To keep each other alive
So I have no doubt that i’ll survive
X Vulnerability
I feel paper thin
Like a little paper doll
Like the change of wind
to another direction
Would knock me off my feet
So this is how it feels
To be vulnerable
I can see why I avoided it for so long
I can see why I thought it was wrong
But this is reality
And the rest a monstrous pile
Of flat out denial
Waiting patiently
To come tumbling down
XI Mask
I’m still coming to terms
With what’s real and what’s not
Cos the deceit
Can sometimes be difficult to spot
If it’s hidden in my brain
For all those years
I fear
That everything I’ve created is based on a lie
Taking things back to when I was shy
Right now I’m that person
Except i don’t need to try
I’m starting to wish
I had never said goodbye
But then I wouldn’t be who I am now
XII Plateau
This silence isn’t flat like before
Drifting along
Floating to shore
Feeling how I felt
When I found out there is more
To life than the struggles I’m living
My energy focused on taking care
Loving my body
Brushing my hair
Those things can seem simple
Unless you’re aware
Of the effect
The darkness can have
It’s not easy
Don’t let that get you down
You’re winning now
XIII Lost Tortoise
Slow and steady wins the race
Taking things at my own pace
But with all this quiet time I face
There’s too much room to contemplate
It’s time to live my life again
But which step is to safety?
Which world will embrace me
Instead of hate me
And put me right back where I started
Which way am I meant to turn
I know there are always lessons to learn
But I need a break from that
XIIII Whose reality?
Getting more confident every day
But the triggers have me turning away
From the very things
That are helping
As if my strength is melting
The closer I get
to this thing called reality
But it doesn’t seem real to me
I don’t really see
Where my sanity
Has a chance to survive
The resistance is so strong
But if the entire world is wrong
How did it stay turning for so long?
There’s a place in it for me
XV Perseverance
With my nose in a book
I am safe
With my phone off the hook
I am safe
But the walls block out the light
And it’s impossible to see
The way out
One step at a time, I know
Go out there and have fun
Easier said than done
The temptation to run
Is too real
Running is all I ever knew
But the only way out is through
Hard to accept
But unfortunately true
XVI Truth Hurts
So what still lurks in the dark?
The source
Of this never ending pain
In my neck
The work isn’t over yet
Be vigilant
Communicate how you feel
Remind the world what is real
Have them at your feet
As you hold your power high
There simply is no other way
Say what you need to say
It’s on the right side
You know you cannot hide
From this again
XVII Anger Flows Freely
Yes I’m angry
That it has always been more important than me
If you had to choose
Which would it be?
I’ve always felt alone
Like I’ve never had a home
Never a safe space
A safe place to call my own
Just your aggression
Why did you take it out on me?
An undeserving kid
My hopes and dreams were shattered
Even before I lifted the lid
Cos it was always about you
The trouble I put you through
Like I chose to be born
In the first place
Can’t stand the sight of your masked face
Come here darling
It’s alright
But it wasn’t
And nor is it now
I want to erase it but I don’t know how
Words spill from my heart
But they get stuck before my mouth
Power fills my chest
But then I choke and spit it out
What’s that about?
I know my truth so why can’t I speak it
My poor broken heart
She can’t take one more hit
Despite the reception
And false perception
That deceives you daily
Well I’ve been seeing you lately
And the lie is running dry
It hurts me that you still don’t care
Poor you
Your life is so unfair
But you brought it on yourself
Trying to blame everyone else
Maybe it’s time to face up to reality
Stop lying through your teeth
And your formalities
You’re a calamity
And we follow behind to pick up the pieces
XVIIII Dangerous Expectations
I looked inside myself and no
I didn’t like what I saw
Deep down I knew
I couldn’t be that person anymore
That person who cares what people think
Who could not make the missing link
Between my personal experience
And the responsibility there entailed
Me me me, all about me
I want to live a good life
I just want to be free
I want to help everybody
I want to change the world
But only if it fits into the world i’m creating?
It hurt to see the selfishness
Behind my thoughtless action
A need for recognition
A lack of coalition
A purely misguided mission
My intentions were pure
But my actions still need more
I know
Self-care is essential
And my journey may yet be influential
If I allow myself to reach my potential
It certainly will not be easy
I’m not going to feel guilty
That emotion’s completely useless
The world can be a dark, dark place
It’s pain is simply ruthless
But I have an opportunity
To change my ways
Readjust my goals
Realign my gaze
A permanent feature
Not just a phase
Step into the truth
And out of the haze
That life was a lie
I was trying to hide
From all of the shame and the blame
Stuck inside
But i cannot escape, ignore or deny
The feeling of being truly alive
How will I survive?
Will I fall? Will I thrive?
It doesn’t matter
Because nothing is flatter
Than trying to live up to your own expectations
Sacrifice and service
A force from within
Bring them together
If you want to win
It’s good to finally not give a shit
Accepting my fate
Taking the hit
I was glad to reveal
What is fake and what’s real
But it’s a tiring process to be with
Defamation of the self
Trying to be something else
If you don’t like now
What you see
This is the chance
To take your leave
Cos this path goes forward
And doesn’t look back
At what I have now left behind
The lessons learnt
The bridges burnt
The wrong ways turned
I’m done now
Long serious nights
Long tedious flights
High as a kite
Not so fun now
Forcing my way through
Hiding what is true
Being scared of you
Don’t need to run now
Questioned myself
Depleted my health
Turned into someone else
But I am one now
My life
Has really begun now
XXII Losing It
I’m feeling full of their energy again
Or maybe it’s mine
I can’t really tell
But i’m not feeling well
And it manifests in everything I do
Feeling tired for no good reason
Not really making the most of this season
I’m empty of drugs
I’m void of hugs
My words don’t even flow anymore
XXIII China Doll
I feel neglected
Deeply rejected
Don’t know what I expected
But I didn’t think I’d be so affected
Just some affection
Some kind of connection
Rather than cold shoulders
Not looking in my direction
Do you see me standing there?
Is it really so hard to care?
Don’t you want to learn to share
this bit of love I managed to find?
Maybe I’m invisible
Maybe I made you miserable
Maybe you don’t give a shit at all
It’s getting hard to tell
I’m tired of being the one to try
I’m tired of being the one to cry
Cos all of the truth you still deny
Is making me feel unwell
Have the courage to show yourself
Ask me about my mental health
Hiding like a figure on a dusty shelf
How would you react if I fell?