Welcome to our blog!
We are passionate about offering a service and community which is inclusive, empathic, understanding and non-judgmental. We believe that support should be available for all those affected by eating difficulties and disorders regardless of age, race, gender identity, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
These principles of equality and diversity underpin our person-centred, service user led approach to mental health and a big part of the reason we decided to launch our blog space. Here you’ll find First Steps ED updates, as well as stories and features from our community. We want to give everyone an opportunity to share stories, introduce unheard voices and discuss important topics around mental health and eating disorders.
Back to School and Recovery
Back to School and Recovery Summer has come to an end, the nights are drawing in, and before we know it, we are all back to school... This time can be particularly difficult for those struggling with eating behaviours. The sudden change of routine and uncertainty
Can dopamine dysregulation cause eating disorders?
Can dopamine dysregulation cause eating disorders? Eating behaviour is a type of motivated behaviour directed towards the goal of acquiring energy, and varies over different contexts (Higgs et al., 2014). Disruption to eating can result in eating disorders (Weiss, 1995; Higgs et al., 2014). Eating disorders (EDs)
Eating Disorders and Body Image: Surviving the Summer Season
Eating Disorders and Body Image: Surviving the Summer Season Summer poses a lot of unnecessary triggers and stressful situations to those struggling with eating disorders. These can range from social pressures to the uncomfortable heat! So, we have compiled some tips to help you and your
Eating Disorder Charities to Unite This Summer
Eating Disorder Charities to Unite This Summer Two national eating disorder charities are to merge in July 2023, following talks with both charities’ Board of Trustees on strengthening resources and impact for anyone affected by an eating disorder. Both charities are dedicated to improving the lives
“Things can get better”: A Family’s Story Through Support
"Things can get better": A Family's Story Through Support For anyone out there who is affected by an Eating Disorder, please know that things can get better. As a family, you can learn new skills and develop ways to navigate this crisis and, if you are
Vote for First Steps ED in the July ‘My Favourite Voucher Codes’ Poll!
Vote for First Steps ED in the July 'My Favourite Voucher Codes' Poll! We are taking part in My Favourite Voucher Code’s July Charity Poll, which gives us a chance to win 20% of their profits for that month. We are really excited about the opportunity
My First Steps ED Experience
My First Steps ED Experience Ever since my son started the weaning process as a baby, he has always been fussy eater (that’s what I put it down to at the time) I tried several different approaches, put it in front of him and saying that’s it there’s
Quick Tips for Carers
Quick Tips for Parents and Carers for Early Intervention There are a number of ways parents, peers and relatives can be more mindful and engaged in a loved ones development, especially when it comes to their relationship with food, body and exercise. can be difficult. Below are
Summer Holidays with an Eating Disorder
Summer Holidays with an Eating Disorder 'Tis the season of travelling. There is something about May where it feels like everyone is on holiday, planning a trip or dreaming of being anywhere else but home. I've just returned from a few weeks down in Cornwall, my neighbour is
How Stigma and Identity Played a Part in My Eating Disorder
How Stigma and Identity Played a Part in My Eating Disorder When I was a teenager, someone in my school year had an eating disorder. I don't feel great saying this but I don't remember it being a huge thing at our school. I wasn't close
How To Be Around an Eating Disorder Sufferer
How To Be Around an Eating Disorder Sufferer When people are struggling with a restrictive eating disorder, they can often become quickly agitated and easily triggered or upset. Due to low energy intake, the sufferer may have low glucose levels, and the brain releases a chemical
Until All We Have is Her
Until All We Have is Her Until all we have is her Tried to take the girl We’d already grieved for From us. Moved the Devil in To her room, bones, face Without permission. Behind sunken eyes Rage curdles sour Kind words. Hate and anger shrink
Write for us!
We are proud to support and offer a platform for individuals who are ready to share their stories and talk about their experiences of recovery. Together we can offer hope to lives affected by eating disorders. If you have something to say, a story to tell or advice to share, you are in the right place.
Get in touch!