The First Step

What’s stopping you from moving forward? From taking the next step? From making the change that you know deep down needs to happen?
Are you comfortable with feeling stuck?
Are you satisfied with where you are now?

Or is there something whispering that you’re actually fed up with the voices? You’re fed up with restrictions and rules that are unhealthy and keeping you from enjoying and living a life that’s worth all this fighting.

This doesn’t have to be how your future is. Your past is behind you. It’s done. Choices and mistakes have been made but in this present moment, you can decide to fully commit to recovery. No ifs, buts, or maybe’s. Just hard work and consistency.

Do you want to still feel this trapped in your head in a months time? What needs to change for you to feel differently?

Make the change using a wise mind and go all the way. Not a quarter, not halfway! Go all the way, my friend.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Contributed by Rhiannon McLean

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