
Welcome to our blog!

We are passionate about offering a service and community which is inclusive, empathic, understanding and non-judgmental. We believe that support should be available for all those affected by eating difficulties and disorders regardless of age, race, gender identity, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

These principles of equality and diversity underpin our person-centred, service user led approach to mental health and a big part of the reason we decided to launch our blog space. Here you’ll find First Steps ED updates, as well as stories and features from our community. We want to give everyone an opportunity to share stories, introduce unheard voices and discuss important topics around mental health and eating disorders.

Sleep Hygiene and Eating Disorders

Sleep Hygiene and Eating Disorders When I first heard the term ‘sleep hygiene’, I was confused. I thought it was something to do with showering before bed to get a good night’s sleep? Fortunately for you lovely folks, I did my research before I wrote this

Reflections on Being Pregnant in ED Recovery

Reflections on Being Pregnant in ED Recovery I hadn’t really given too much thought on how pregnancy would affect me and my body image insecurities, I’d just put all my anxiety into getting pregnant. Those first few weeks of pregnancy when no one knows, you feel

Exercising Without the Eating Disorder

Exercising Without the Eating Disorder The year is 2013, and I'm playing Just Dance for the third time in a day. Because it's the weekend, I haven't walked to school and back, so that means a third session is necessary. That's how I think of exercise

How Gym Culture Affects Eating Disorders

How Gym Culture Affects Eating Disorders I’m sure we are all familiar with being encouraged to ‘get beach body ready’ or to ‘shed those pounds’ at exercise classes. How often do you check your favourite fitness influencers social media page for their meal plans? Or walk

Chasing Aesthetic Gains… Worth the risk?

Chasing Aesthetic Gains… Worth the risk? Going to the gym, lifting weights, getting ‘in shape’; it’s all healthy right? Well, this is a very simplified and loaded assumption. Whilst almost everyone understands that exercise has many health benefits; both physical and mental, what maybe is less

Considerations for the Gym and Eating Disorders

Considerations for the Gym and Eating Disorders In this country there is often a love/hate relationship with the gym.  For some people it is their happy place, where they go to train, to meet friends or to de-stress.  For others it is a place to go

Gym Culture and Eating Disorders: My Story

Gym Culture and Eating Disorders: My Story Introduction: My name is George, I am the founder of MyoMinds, collaborating with First Steps ED this Eating Disorders Awareness Week. The nuances of gym culture, and the effect it has on the people who engage with it, is

This can’t be ignored anymore…

This can't be ignored anymore... On 22nd April, thousands will take to the street to march for every single person affected by an eating disorder.  The increase in people struggling with eating disorders in the last few years is shocking and catastrophic Hope Virgo, founder of

The Impact of Eating Disorders on Fertility

The Impact of Eating Disorders on Fertility From bulimia to binge eating, around 1.25 million British people have an eating disorder (ED). Despite its prevalence, it’s still one of the most misunderstood diseases in the world, with stereotypes and stigmas causing plenty of confusion. Did you

Write for us!

We are proud to support and offer a platform for individuals who are ready to share their stories and talk about their experiences of recovery. Together we can offer hope to lives affected by eating disorders. If you have something to say, a story to tell or advice to share, you are in the right place.

Get in touch!

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