
Welcome to our blog!

We are passionate about offering a service and community which is inclusive, empathic, understanding and non-judgmental. We believe that support should be available for all those affected by eating difficulties and disorders regardless of age, race, gender identity, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

These principles of equality and diversity underpin our person-centred, service user led approach to mental health and a big part of the reason we decided to launch our blog space. Here you’ll find First Steps ED updates, as well as stories and features from our community. We want to give everyone an opportunity to share stories, introduce unheard voices and discuss important topics around mental health and eating disorders.

My Anorexia Story

My Anorexia Story It’s pretty difficult to pinpoint exactly when I turned to food as a way of feeling like I had control of my life. It wasn’t like I just woke up one morning and thought from now on I’m going to start restricting my

Food Should Be Fun, Not a Number.

Food should be fun, not a number. Personally, much of my ED was initiated from calorie counting, for the wrong reasons. And whilst I can now use calories for good, I believe calories on menus can be a very triggering and dangerous thing. Calories do not

Easter with an Eating Disorder

Easter with an Eating Disorder Many people look forward to the Easter break, and the opportunity to get together with friends and family. They welcome the change in routine, and enjoy the extra time we have to go out, eat, drink and socialise. Of course, for

Why I’m Against Mandatory Calorie Labelling to All Menus

Why I'm Against Mandatory Calorie Labelling to All Menus  I was 12 years old when I first downloaded a calorie counting app, seduced by the promise of a ‘healthier and happier’ lifestyle. Despite being so young, my mental health was already suffering, my self-esteem was low,

Supporting Young Minds this Stress Awareness Month

Supporting Young Minds this Stress Awareness Month April is a time for spring, flowers, and sunshine (hopefully!). And alongside the small joys of Spring is Stress Awareness Month where we join a number of other charities and organisations to raise awareness about the factors which predispose

Springtime: Hope in Recovery

Springtime: Hope in Recovery They say it takes an average of 7 years to recover from an eating disorder, this is a time frame that always seemed more like a convicted sentence than a marker of hope to me. It also made me question ‘did I

Charlotte’s ‘Steps for First Steps ED’ Fundraiser!

Charlotte’s ‘Steps for First Steps ED’ Fundraiser! This week we’ve been talking to the lovely Charlotte who has been fundraising for First Steps ED! Join us as we learn a little more about what she’s been up to; Thank you so much for fundraising for First

Join Team First Steps ED For Ramathon!

Join Team First Steps ED For Ramathon! Event date: Sunday 19th June 2022 Minimum pledge: We ask you to set a target of £250 but there is no minimum pledge! Have fun, get fundraising and help raise money and awareness for those lives affected by eating

Spread Some Joy this ‘International Day of Happiness’

Spread Some Joy this 'International Day of Happiness' This weekend it is the UN ‘International Day of Happiness’, a day in which we come together to recognise that our actions matter, kindness matters. As the world faces unprecedented challenges, our wellbeing is more important than ever.

Book Review: First, We Make the Beast Beautiful

Book Review: First, We Make the Beast Beautiful Another month, another book review. For those of you who follow the First Steps ED blog, you might already know my resolution was to read more books (I kept it simple this year), and so far, so good!

“Hello, I Would Like Support for my Eating Disorder…”

"Hello, I Would Like Support for my Eating Disorder..." Recognising that you are using food or exercise to cope can be tricky. When we experience challenges in life and find ourself trying to navigate the situation, wondering how to respond, we sometimes turn to unhealthy ways

Write for us!

We are proud to support and offer a platform for individuals who are ready to share their stories and talk about their experiences of recovery. Together we can offer hope to lives affected by eating disorders. If you have something to say, a story to tell or advice to share, you are in the right place.

Get in touch!

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