
Welcome to our blog!

We are passionate about offering a service and community which is inclusive, empathic, understanding and non-judgmental. We believe that support should be available for all those affected by eating difficulties and disorders regardless of age, race, gender identity, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

These principles of equality and diversity underpin our person-centred, service user led approach to mental health and a big part of the reason we decided to launch our blog space. Here you’ll find First Steps ED updates, as well as stories and features from our community. We want to give everyone an opportunity to share stories, introduce unheard voices and discuss important topics around mental health and eating disorders.

Better Together: Our Working and Steering Groups.

Better Together: Our Working and Steering Groups. Throughout the year our team will create and lead a number of working groups, designed to identify our strengths and opportunities, as well as recognise what we could be doing better. Groups like these are invaluable to our service

Understanding Self-injury in Children

Understanding Self-injury in Children What is self-injury? Self-injury is where someone injures or hurts themselves on purpose whilst trying to deal with intense, distressing and intrusive thoughts. They may feel numb and hurt themselves in order to feel something, anything. This behaviour can be incredibly worrying

Finding Mindful Moments

Finding Mindful Moments Mindfulness is often criticised and has been branded as being ‘fluffy’ and ‘hippie-like’. I will hold my hands up here and admit, I was one of those who absolutely hated the idea of mindfulness. Thought it was a load of twaddle. I understand

When Stress Causes Disordered Eating…

When Stress Causes Disordered Eating… They often go hand in hand, stress and eating disorders. When I reflect on some of the hardest times I've endured living with an eating difficulty, it has always correlated with times of higher stress. School exams, starting new jobs, being

Write for us!

We are proud to support and offer a platform for individuals who are ready to share their stories and talk about their experiences of recovery. Together we can offer hope to lives affected by eating disorders. If you have something to say, a story to tell or advice to share, you are in the right place.

Get in touch!

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