An Interview with Angela – a First Steps ED Befriender

Hi Angela! Let’s start with how would you explain the essence of the befriending service to a friend?

“It’s a service that provides a listening ear for people who need someone to listen and understand without having to offer too many explanations. It’s a non-judgemental friend who can provide tried and tested tips and suggestions if prompted, as they’ve experienced something similar.”

Do you feel the befriending service might have helped your own recovery?

“I had anorexia for about 25 years. If I had contacted the service at the time, I think it would have been very helpful as I did not want to talk about it with family or friends.”

How do you think having a befriender might have helped you the most?

“I think being able to talk to someone openly is crucial to recovery. They might have also given suggestions on what to do or who else to reach out to. I would not have felt alone and as if I was the only one experiencing this. I felt very ashamed knowing that others had done what I was doing might have helped with that.”

What is the main thing you feel you can offer a befriendee?

“I can listen and offer a space for them to work out what they need at this point in time. I can share what has worked for me which might be helpful for them too. I can make them feel less alone.”

Contributed by Angela Uasala

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