Our Patient Public Involvement and Engagement Committee

Our community offers us a wealth of experience and provides valuable perspectives which help us continue to grow and diversify our services- but it is not always easy for us to drive that feedback through one central, impactful and actionable source.

Our PPIE committee are an assembly of passionate people who want to give back to community and service which support thousands of individuals and families. The involvement of service users and carers within the committee is crucial in making sure our activities are relevant to our key stakeholder groups and everyone our organisation impacts.

Our PPIE committee was created to ensure that our patients and the wider public are involved in the growth and development of the charity and projects we support:

  • Flexible commitment , but required to meet-monthly
  • Professional or lived experience preferred (personal experience of an ED, body image issue and/or supporting someone)

If this sound like an opportunity for you, get in touch today at lucy@firststepsed.co.uk for a virtual chat!